Look, look, look! Aren’t they gorgeous?
Yes, I know you can’t see the “Knight” in “Knight Errant.” That’s because of the glare because they are glossy because they are awesome! These are really high-quality for promotional bookmarks. I am not kidding. I am so thrilled. I complained about this company because the ordering was difficult, but I’d heard good things and their pricing was excellent, so I stuck with them. And look what I got!
Mirprint.com. Love them. LOVE.
Ohh, gorgeous indeed! 😀
^____^ The kid keeps laughing at me because I’m walking around with a handful. They’re as firm as cards, and make a most pleasant ruffling noise when shuffled.
So shiny!
Aren’t they? ^__^
(Can I link this to some friends?)
OOOOH, I love them!

(please do, Bea!!)
Yay, love!
Absolutely stunning. *where’s those #$%^# sunglasses?*
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