It’s supposed to be secret, you know? Don’t let your right hand know what your left hand is doing and all?
That said, I’m sending a copy of my book to Milwaukee. It’s going in this library. I’m very pleased.
See, in my daydreams I get rich from my books, yes, but that’s not really the goal. No, what I really want is for my stories to be read. As I said over on my “About” page:
I want to write the book you reach for when you need a favorite quote at half past your bedtime, the book you read bits of to your friends till they want to kill you, the book by your bed when life just keeps kicking you and you need to ESCAPE.
And I want my book to bring you back happier and stronger.
Add to that “I’d really love it if my book gave comfort to or inspired someone who needed a book about people like them.”
So I was putzing about on Goodreads the other day and I stumbled across a post I liked, from a person with Adam Lambert and Tommy Joe Ratliff in her icon picture (both of whom I adore), and I clicked on her profile to learn more. I saw she’s a librarian. I love librarians. I saw she volunteers for a GLBT community center library.
I asked to friend her and offered to send her a book for her library. It seems only natural to me, and it leads to the reason I’m announcing this.
I’d really like to donate my book to more GLBT youth libraries. I’d love it if you would recommend me some. Sure, I can find them online, but I’d rather donate to libraries in real need of books if I can (since I can’t send a copy to every library) and that’s not something I can tell by looking at a website.
So. I know I’ve got GLBT advocates among my followers. (I must, or y’all would leave, considering how often I rant about rights.) How about giving me some leads? Here’s what I’d like:
- Confirmation that the GLBT center in question has a library, and would not have some dratted red tape keeping them from accepting donations.
- Contact information for a person associated with the library. First name and a work email is fine, but I need a way to make sure it gets there okay.
- Let me know if you do not want mentioned as the awesome person who suggested the library to me.
- Anything else I need? Address would be nice, but if I have contact info I can get that.
You can leave a comment here, or put something in the contact form, or whatever. I can’t do a bunch at once (since no, still not rich), but I’m looking forward to doing a few at a time.
So have at it! Gimme!
This post has NO EXPIRATION DATE. If I ever decide to stop doing this, I will edit the post to say so.