Insomniac Emo Monkey-Boy! With Fleas!

Okay, so watch your step. Possible spoilers for a very popular anime right now, Death Note.

Right. So long as you know what you’re getting into.

We’ve been watching Death Note since it showed up on Adult Swim. How could we not? This was what they put on in place of Bleach. That meant it had to be good, right?

So we watched. And we watched. And we waited for it to get good. I think we were up to episode four (and still waiting) when they changed the schedule, and what had come on at midnight came on at one.

That’s really hard for us to manage. It’s only an hour later, but what a difference that makes when you’re tired and used to going to bed before 2300. So we started DVRing the shows, to watch the next day. Only it was still NaNo, so we didn’t get around to watching them.

Long story short, we had three episodes each of Death Note and Blood Plus to catch up on before the new shows aired early this morning.

After the second recorded show of Death Note, we paused to vent. What the hell was it about this show that made it so popular? Every ep was the same. Psycho dude talks a lot, kills somebody. Mysterious detective dude draws completely unsupported yet eerily accurate conclusions from the deaths. Everyone stands in awe of the brilliance of these two adversaries. People talk a lot more. Especially the rules of the Death Note are explained ad infinitum, because God knows I’m too stupid to remember that writing the name while picturing the face means that person is ded, ded, DEAD.

Then we watched the third recorded show. And mysterious detective dude came out of the shadows.

We swooned. I’m certain. There was swoonage.

No, he’s not gorgeous. Psycho killer dude is beautiful. Bishounen most certainly. But L (well, yeah, it’s a pseudonym, weren’t you paying attention? If Psycho Killer Dude [henceforth abbreviated as PKD] knows his real name, he can kill him.) L, later known as Ryuzaki, is not gorgeous. He’s…frumpy. He’s odd. He squats on chairs and he (apparently) has fleas.

And we luffs him. Here he is, in all his manga glory ’cause I couldn’t find a pic from the anime I liked nearly as much.

Here, my friends, is the lesson. Give me one character I can adore, and I’m yours. In looking around for a bit more info than I had seven (or eight, or so) eps in, I found a most annoying spoiler, but I’ll still watch. PKD is lovely, but far too freaky for me to enjoy looking at him. But I’ll still watch. There is WAY TOO MUCH TALKING ABOUT THINGS THAT SHOULD BE JUST SHOWN, but I will still watch.

I will never desert my insomniac emo monkey-boy, even if he gets rid of the fleas.

(and yes, I found THAT spoiler, and if you remind me of it I shall throw a large frozen salmon at you and run off to my room to cry.)

(No, I will NOT be reading any Death Note yaoi fanfics. Seems the OTP is PKD/L, and while I can see the attraction–that’s my monkey-boy. PKD can go…screw a shinigami.)

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