Separate But Equal


Main Entry:
Middle French patriote compatriot, from Late Latin patriota, from Greek patri?t?s, from patria lineage, from patr-, pat?r father

: one who loves his or her country and supports its authority and interests

You can’t go both ways on this one.  Either you’re for “liberty and justice for all” or you’re not.  Either you support the rights to “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” or you don’t.

Gay marriage.  Don’t like it?  Don’t have one.  But let’s get the Land of the Free caught up with Canada, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa (yes, SOUTH AFRICA is ahead of us on civil rights!!), and Spain, and allow all our citizens this basic human right.

If you really believe gays choose to be gay just for the fun of getting tied to fences and beaten to death–well, there’s no help for you.

If you think they are born that way but still shouldn’t have rights, you’re a bigot.  Get used to it.

No, really.  Here’s the definition.

Main Entry:

French, hypocrite, bigot

: a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices ; especially : one who regards or treats the members of a group (as a racial or ethnic group) with hatred and intolerance


 Next question:  Are you ready to grow beyond that?

 (definitions taken from the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary)

1 thought on “Separate But Equal”

  1. So true, and thanks for pointing out these facts…remember that definition of personal freedom — something that ends where the next person’s begins. In other words, don’t fence me in, and I won’t fence anyone else in….by literal boundaries or the smallness of someone’s mind! Your mom would be so proud of you, gal, and so am I.

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