…or at least, a male friend whose hand he likes to hold. Go here for photographic evidence.
And if that’s got you crying, go here to fangirl that Twilight dude.
Seriously. Go now. True Adam fans wanna celebrate his awesomeness without you whiners.
So. Now they’re gone… Fellow Glamberts, how about we blast “Born To Be Wild” and raise a glass to the happiness (and LONG PRODUCTIVE CAREER) of the lovely and talented Adam Lambert?
Here is a better picture that looks less photoshopped, and VIDEO. ^.^
(…I don’t actually know who Adam is, but I heartily approve of the guyliner.)
ooh, awesome! Thanks!
Adam Lambert is the American Idol runner-up. I found out about him when someone I read on Twitter said he was Freddie Mercury. I <3 Freddie Mercury.
You should check him out. I think you'd like him. Listen to "Mad World," "Ring of Fire," and the one where he sings with the guy who did win (and with Queen, SQUEE!) to "We are the Champions." All are on YouTube, though most are with slideshows since Idol won't let the actual footage be shown.
*joins the fangirlling* Somehow I think we all have some sort of radar that can pick up a SQUEE at ANY range.
We need MORE high profile gay goth boys. Seriously… it’s about time.
More, yes! The world be a so much happier place.