All right, I want everyone who EVER bought drugs from someone they found through a blog comment lined up and beaten.
751 in my spam filter. Srsly? Who does this? Someone must buy, or they wouldn’t keep doing it, right?
Anyway. I plod onwards. I sent out three more queries. One already rejected, others I’m waiting on. This project has been rejected 24 times, but I also had two partials requested, so I don’t give up on it yet.
However, I’m now working on getting Joss in order, in case I do have to move on. I’ve actually made progress. Yesterday I found my theme, wrote my sentence and my arc–and today I started over, finding my theme. >_< This is how it goes.
Still working on Fidelis, a couple hundred words at a time. I’m told a steampunk fantasy set in a magical Prague is made of WIN, so I’m happy about it.
Oh, also! I started a new thing; can’t recall if I mentioned it here. I’m doing the Eowyn Challenge, walking to Rivendell. Only I’m starting to think I’ll actually get there, so I’ve set my sights on Mordor. (I’m cheating somewhat–I’m counting an hour of swimming as three miles.)
123 miles–only 12 more to Bree! ^__^
*Hugs and vibes for acceptance!*
As a nearly-original (though long non-walking) member of the Eowyn Challenge, 3 miles for an hour of swimming sounds pretty standard, if not a little low.
Also, yes, please do continue to send out your queries. Someday someone needs to publish your books so I can buy them all and make you autograph them for me! Since I haven’t yet found a genie’s lamp or a magic wand to help you, queries seem to be the most likely way for that to happen.
This might help, or at least give you a grin:
Hee…my first response on seeing the link was “five stages? FIVE? God help me, I can’t be on more than #3!”
And even after I read it and laughed, she said the “87 stages of agented submissions” and I winced.