The Original Worldbuilder

okay, imagine this…

Deep in the night, unnoticed by the sleeping countryside, the lake rumbles. A sudden fountain shoots hundreds of feet in the air, and the once-still lake erupts in waves taller than trees. From the water a cold mist arises. Creeping down valleys, the mist engulfs and swallows village after village, leaving many dead and a few injured survivors in its wake. The cold mist burns.

The mist dissipates eventually, leaving the dead, the shore scoured by waves, and the once-blue waters of the lake stained deep red.

Magical attack? Rage of a demon? No. Carbon Dioxide. (warning for real people died, at least one pic of a dead animal, and it’s Wikipedia.)

Though it’s a horrible tragedy, it’s also one of the coolest things I’ve ever read. Though now I’m totally seeing God as this over-caffeinated writer, worldbuilding late at night and cackling over His ideas…

So yeah. When you see this in one of my stories, know that I stole it directly from God.

And know that the idea of God as an over-caffeinated writer is terrifying. I know over-caffeinated writers. They are not people you want in charge.

4 thoughts on “The Original Worldbuilder”

  1. Just thought you might like to know that I’d written myself into a corner, then remembered this and was able to use it to make the corner awesome, in a creepy way.

    So. Thank you.

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