One of the panels at Comicon was called “Bishounen Paradise.” After making certain there would be pictures (if not actual bishies), a few of my friends and I attended.
In an after-panel trivia contest (it was very easy), I won these.
Cool, you say? Why yes. They are. However, they get better.
Once a liplock begins, they must be pried apart. ^__^
(yes, they have magnets in their faces. One fangirl did check that they didn’t have magnets anywhere else. )
(And then one of my supposedly innocent friends discovered that their shirts come off. Perhaps for the good of the world, their pants do not. )
Google tells me the redhead is Keiichi, and the blonde Padoru. I’d change them, but I don’t have any blondes to name Padoru after. XD
I has sewing skills, we could totally add magnets…like…anywhere 😈
I love you. Have I mentioned that? Because I do.