Beware of Cranky (Rawr)

Beware of Cranky (Rawr)

I’m tired. I’m grumpy. I ate too much carbs. My desk is trashed (though I cleaned it Friday) and I don’t wanna write. Or edit. Or read. I have overdue library books because the kid forgot to put them in the car this morning. (They are HER BOOKS. *scowl* )

I tried to be good and call my dad today, and I didn’t reach him. I called my stepsister, and didn’t reach her. I called my grandfather and didn’t reach him.

That cover still needs more poking, but my hand hurts and I don’t wanna.

My muses are playing hell with Kolya’s story. You know, the one that’s already at twenty thousand words? Yeah, that one. They want to throw in a major event as a subplot, which absolutely must change the theme of the book or it makes no sense to put it in there though chronologically it’s time for it.

If I go with this, I may have to do some looking into why I feel the need to write every other book or so about family. >_>


This episode of whining brought to you by one tired puppy of an overwhelmed writer. I’ll be better tomorrow. I swear.

3 thoughts on “Beware of Cranky (Rawr)”

  1. *snuggles the cranky away* I’m sorry you’re tired and overwhelmed (although I hope you’re feeling better today). I’m sure the book and the cover will be wonderful once you’re done with them. *hugs*

  2. drama and emotion…right. Those are GOOD things in stories. *tries to remember html for shifty eyes and fails* 🙄

    *snuggles Bea and hides at her house*

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