This is a new series here on Forging Ever Onward, and I’ll probably be tinkering a bit to figure out the best format. Suggestions are welcome!
Also, since Eve tends to be short with words and there’s no way to ask follow-up questions in real time, I’ll be the one prodding her for more in-depth answers. I do hope you appreciate the risks I run to do this.
So! Onward.
Someone who didn’t leave their name (probably wise) asked:
Eve, help me plot! If you were part of a dying-out species that was *massively* outnumbered by an enemy determined to wipe yours out, because someone of *your* species tried to wipe *them* out, what would you do? What *could* you do?
Eve answers†:
Got a gun?
And explosives. Bombs are good.
Look, you got their objective right there. They want to wipe you all out. Don’t let ’em. That don’t mean just do defense–you’ll all die in a frakkin’ hole. But stash the non-combatants. Hide ’em as deep and safe as you can, and put good people to guarding them. Then you and your mates go make the galaxy safe.
Use your mates. Use ’em up if you gotta–you let the slime win and everything’s gone anyway, right?
That don’t mean waste what you’ve got. You use them up too soon and you’re fighting alone. That’ll get you dead. Think sneaky. Think knife strikes. In and out, no damage to you and lots to them. Hitting their supply dumps is good–always fun to shoot a slime with his own gun.
And if that damned fool started everything is still around–wrap him up with a pretty bow and hand him over. You don’t need slime like that. Your species is better off without him.
†Advice not guaranteed legal in your province/planet of residence. Check with local authorities. This blog takes no responsibility for any criminal actions instigated in response to Eve’s advice.
‡At this point, I poked. Send get-well cards and gift-baskets c/o the Pendragon’s Dream.
Oooh, this gives me some ideas… Onyx says thank you for the advice on how to give them hell, and that as soon as she can, she’ll get her father trussed up like a hog. Providing she can catch him…
Thanks, Eve! *Grin*
Eve wishes Onyx a gruff “give ’em hell.” 😉