Eve Marcori is a freighter captain and former Marine offering advice because of Authorial Privilege out of a sincere desire to help. Advice not guaranteed legal in your province/planet of residence. Check with local authorities. This blog takes no responsibility for any criminal charges you may incur by acting on Eve’s advice.
In general an ellipsis […] indicates Eve had to be prodded by her author was thinking. If you’d like to know her better, Eve Marcori plays a prominent role in Knight Errant, currently available through Turtleduck Press.
Which is your favorite planet or system?
H-space. Time it right and I got a month nobody can bug me.
Maybe Tolberra VII. Only the one city of humans on the planet. The Kertak–the natives–ain’t half-bad. And in Port Royal, somebody deserves it, I can shoot him. Can’t say that for many places. Damned cold, though. Flying’s good. Crashing not so much.
Dallas. Liked Dallas. Wouldn’t mind doing one of those games again. Doc says I made a good sheriff. And I could shoot people. Not supposed to, but if I had to–nobody gets to tell the sheriff she can’t shoot some dumbass begging for it.
Wouldn’t mind gettin’ the doc out in the desert in the dark again, either.
Eeee! *wants to cuddle Eve for being cute, but values her life*
This is fun!
Hee…she’s really hating this. ^__^
Thanks for poking, KD! I was pretty sure that h-space was Eve’s favorite place, hence the specification of “planet or system”. 😉