The time has come to say good-bye to an old friend. I am saddened by the retirement of my dear friend, my close companion, my keyboard.
Yes, it’s time. The keyboard I have had since…well, I’m not really sure how long. I think I got it with my first Dell. I think it’s that old. It certainly looks it. The paint is worn off some of the letters, the bouncy is long gone, and even the little bumps on F and J have worn down. Twice replaced by daubs of nail polish, even, and worn smooth again.
So. Welcome the new keyboard, seen here under the old keyboard. (Yes, my desk is a mess. It happens.)
I won’t forget you, old keyboard. I will, in fact, stick you in the box new keyboard came in and hide you in my closet as fall-back, just in case new keyboard cannot stand up to the kind of use you so gracefully endured.
You think I kid? Look at this.
K is worn partly off, L completely gone (I use Dvorak, so that’s actually T and N worn off). Half the space bar–I generally space with my right thumb–worn smooth, the other half dusty and barely used. (Once when my right thumb was injured, I tried to teach myself to use the other. It was awkward and hampering and I reverted as soon as I could, though I meant to keep it up.)
That keyboard saw a lot of use. This entire blog–seven years and more. Ten novels. Several novel-length fanfics. Forum posts and emails and a whole f*ckton of chat silliness. (Sorry, but that is the correct unit of measure.) Some ten thousand tweets.
Farewell, faithful friend. Rest easy, but be ready. I may summon you again.
I suspect there are not many writers who have actually worn a sturdy keyboard through a long working life right into retirement. (Maybe you should paint little ‘book’ icons along the side to show how many drafts it achieved.) ❓
Ooh, I love this idea!