I don’t know if I ever would have gotten around to it if Joomla! hadn’t made me migrate to the newest version (rather than just updating) but it’s done now. As much as these things are ever “done.”
Please to check out kdsarge.com. I’d love to hear your thoughts. Please PLEASE tell me if you find something I b0rked or forgot to change, or that just doesn’t do what you think it should.
I think it looks fantastic, but then, I’m the one who made it.
(and what do you think of the new background here, while we’re at it?)
It looks pretty! I like how it looks…. I never saw how it used to look, but this look is very nice. lol
It looked like this site did. Boards, parchment…that. I liked it well enough, but I think it’s more like a “real” writer’s site now. *g*
Yes, definitely more like a ‘real’ writer’s site. ^^
I like it!!!
But there’s something wonky here on this blog – which box do I check to get follow-up comments?!
“Notify me of follow-up comments by email.”
“Want notified of followup comments? You can also subscribe without commenting.”
Ahh! I had not seen that. I was using a plug-in for comment subscription, and then WordPress put their own method in. It looks much nicer now!
Oh, yes, it does!
I like the new site. It looks much more “official” now. Things are still pretty easy to find, and I like the new background for the blog posts. Very pretty.
Thank you!
I love the timeline for the Dream ‘verse! ( http://kdsarge.com/toybox/index.php/books2/13-dream-verse/71-chronology if anyone else hasn’t looked at it yet. You can move the timeline to see different events! It is great!) Haven’t made it through the whole site yet, but I really like what I’ve seen. *flomps*
Thank you! I thought it was pretty cool.