Girls Can Be Geeks Too

So a while back I talked about the awesome Set Phasers to LOL. I barely mentioned then, and I’ve not mentioned a few times since, a truly annoying thing that keeps popping up. Sometimes it’s veiled. Sometimes it’s not so much.

sci fi fantasy Akira - Not Okay to Stare, Guys
see more Set Phasers To Lol

Get over this, okay? Because “girls” go to sci fi conventions. Plenty of “girls” love SF. You know why? Because plenty of girls have brains.

Now, I realize I’m reading a lot of assumptions into one macro made by one clueless, superior, slightly subtle misogynist. But from the lady (!) who assumed that the Game of Thrones TV show throws in the sex (’cause it wasn’t there before?) to lure in women who wouldn’t watch the show otherwise to the idea in this article that having a sense of humor about your Star Wars fan-ness means you’ll never get laid again (Scroll down to the mounted animal heads), there is a prevailing silly idea STILL that geekery is the sole province of the boys.

Screw that. This is MY Team Edward.

sci fi fantasy Fullmetal Alchemist - Team Edward
see more Set Phasers To Lol

Yes, I’m an actual girl. I’ve even borne a child. My first date with my husband was all three remastered original trilogy Star Wars movies in the theater.

I’m sick to death of the idea that all girls like the same things. Dudes, try and make me sit through a Twilight movie. I dare you. There are girls who like it, yes. That’s their right. I am not one of them. My movies need explosions.

Leeloo from the Fifth Element

(Image from here, where other awesome girls await.)

Here’s a real mind-bender, but I think you’re ready for it. Girls–known in some places as WOMEN–are people! We are self-aware! We have brains. Intelligence. Personalities. We do not all have the same tastes!

Here are some other geek girls.

funny celebrity pictures - Crap,  wrong Con.  Just Daleks here.  Let's try it again, girls.
see more Set Phasers To Lol

R2 Tutu

Leeloo Cosplayer

Vulcan girl

Megan Fox, comic nerd.

And to defend our beloved boy-geeks, just ask yourself this–if one of these girl-geeks is looking for some masculine companionship, where is she going to go? Is she going to pick a jock, or someone who actually knows that Han shot first?

Now…are we clear? Because if not, there’s one more geek girl who would like to talk to you.

Cookie God

Now are we clear? Good. Then fetch me a spork. And also a shrubbery.

3 thoughts on “Girls Can Be Geeks Too”

  1. I kind of like that these stereotypes persist. It’s always helped me know who I shouldn’t waste my time on.

    Although my usual problem is somewhat different… as a computing student, the guys I know tend to assume I’m geekier than is actually the case. ^_^;

  2. Amen, sister, and other phrases of such ilk.

    There’s been an on-going debate in Swedish newspapers lately, about how women can be nerds, but certainly not in the same WAY that men are nerds – an opinion based in no way on reality – and it’s been kind of irritating to follow. I dislike having my interests and love of geeky things (video games, comics, books, the Game of Thrones-tv series*, etc.) invalidated and somehow treated as “not serious” simply because I have ovaries.

    *) Speaking of GoT – I always assumed that the gratuitous sex-scenes were added for the MEN in the audience who were unfamiliar with the books and thus needed a bit of boobs to lure them over to the dark side. I’m not saying it would work that way – I hate to stereotype – but the sex-scenes are hardly the romantic type that’s usually marketed to girls/women.)

  3. Kami, maybe I’m just pursuing the impossible goal of not being annoyed on the internet. 😉

    @Anna–wow. Do they suggest you watch One Piece for the pretty clothes the characters are wearing? *kicks them*

    RE GoT: Yeah, I did wonder about that. If we’re gonna go stereotypes, it’s not the GIRLS ppl throw sex in to attract.

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