So Frakkin’ Cool
ZOMG, I love science.
Squee happens.
I love this video, and I must share. It has Adam Lambert in it. There is absolutely nothing to be afraid of. ^__^
The Mistletoe Incident
826 words! (uh, for those I haven’t told, I couldn’t resist Hiro two more months, so now I’m trying to get him done before NaNo and come up with something else for NaNo and this should be fun, yes??) Fweee! And this, because it’s pretty. mmm, byakuya…
I believe in equality for all ethnicities and identities. I think we all need to get there. But we’re not there, so we need leaders. I believe that science fiction and fantasy, with the ability to take us places we’ve never been, should be the genre leading the way to equality. So I’m proud to
No, seriously. I had to go out today; there were things I had to do. So it’s lucky I saw this first, or someone might have been hurt. Like when the kid set her phone down somewhere and it took us fifteen minutes of me calling it to find it in the refrigerator by the
…or at least, a male friend whose hand he likes to hold. Go here for photographic evidence. And if that’s got you crying, go here to fangirl that Twilight dude. Seriously. Go now. True Adam fans wanna celebrate his awesomeness without you whiners. So. Now they’re gone… ๐ Fellow Glamberts, how about we blast “Born
Adam Lambert’s got a Boyfriend!
For the record, Samurai Champloo is awesome. I’m particularly impressed with how well-drawn all three main characters are–even though eight episodes in, I know very little about their pasts. I still almost know why each is traveling, and I can accept them traveling together. Minor spoilers below the cut.