September 2003

Showers Are for Wimps?

Then call me a weenie. I think I mentioned my shower wasn’t working. We went from bathing at a friend’s, to using a hose from the kitchen sink (ever want to have fun? Run a hose fifteen feet, in a house with a four-year-old, and see what happens! You won’t believe the possibilities!) to using […]

Showers Are for Wimps?

A Sad Anniversary

I’m sure everyone’s heard enough today, but I can’t write something silly or complaining tonight. My neighbor knocked on my door the morning it happened, asking for a ride to the pharmacy. It was maybe 7:30, so it would have been 10:30 New York time. I remember we were sitting at the red light at

A Sad Anniversary

Blue's Clues Rule!

Okay, so maybe I don’t know that much about children’s software. It’s not like I’ve really cared, every bit of software I buy gives other people reasons to try to pry me off my Dell. But some of the stuff is really cool! We bought the munchkin Blue’s Treasure Hunt. It’s awesome! It’s like a

Blue's Clues Rule!

Blasted Thing!

All of a sudden my Dell is slower than molasses in January, and it doesn’t want to do anything. Hubby swears he didn’t download or install anything, and the munchkin hasn’t been near it. Guess I have to take a night off from writing to do some cleaning. Grr. Argh. I return. That could have

Blasted Thing!

What Else Would a Writer Give?

My writer-friend surprised me today, when she told me what she wanted for Christmas. First, we’ve never really exchanged presents, in like, eight years (ten years? could be) of meeting every other week for dinner and writing talk. Sometimes she made me a loaf of bread in her breadmaker, or I’d give her something, like

What Else Would a Writer Give?

260 Pages Later…

I got it. I just uninstalled and re-installed the driver, which hubby claimed he tried yesterday. I think he played the Sims the whole three hours… Anyway. It works. I now have 260 pages of it printed out, back-to-back because I want my own copy first. I wouldn’t have stopped, but the print is getting

260 Pages Later…

Serious Writers Need Printers

In my opinion, of course. But since most submissions guidelines request you not submit things on disk, it’s a pretty good idea. And now I have one. I have seen the aisles at WalMart, and I have conquered them! Of course, it took a little cash added onto the gift card, but–I emerged triumphant! I

Serious Writers Need Printers