June 2005

Done da da Done, DONE!

Donte is done, Donte is good, Donte is printed and ready to go, with a cover letter. I made a lot of minor alterations, fleshed it out a lot, and re-wrote one major scene. That took three hours I’ll have you know, with the munchkin interrupting every four and a half minutes or less. Seriously. […]

Done da da Done, DONE!

I Should Be Worried

You know, on reflection, I should be worried. Or someone should, anyway. Remember that graphic novel I want, Grey? SPOILER–pretty much everybody dies. Violently. Justy? As much as he tries to avoid it, SPOILER–pretty much everybody in front of him dies. (the background characters mostly survive.) And then after I blogged, I remembered another book

I Should Be Worried

E-Bay Makes it Too Easy

Alas for my self-discipline, I have discovered the joys of E-Bay… You have to understand. I have–odd–interests. The stuff I like, cannot usually be found on display. Oh no. I have to dig. (Okay, Harry Potter, Star Wars, and the Lord of the Rings are easy. I have that stuff! But when’s the last time

E-Bay Makes it Too Easy

Still Not Done

I’m still not done editing Donte. I meant to do it tonight, I really did. But then a wonderful, darling friend called me at work and said he’d get the munchkin, I should go see Star Wars…I have really good friends. ๐Ÿ˜€ Yoda Rocks!!!! Lots of saber fights, Obi-Wan Kenobi fighting from the back of

Still Not Done

First Blood

And first blood goes to–me! Only I’m the one giving the blood, not causing the bleeding. That’s okay, I prefer it that way. It started out innocently enough. I haven’t been participating in the end-of-lesson games lately, I was worried about being ready to test. But the games are when you get to do stuff

First Blood

Change…is good!

Back to the larger type, now my page seems able to support it. Do you love the theme? I do. If you’ve ever been in the forest at night… It’s an incredible feeling, scary and delicious. Anything could be a few feet away, in reach but out of sight. A bear, a fairy ring, a

Change…is good!

Version 4.0, eh?

Blog City has updated things. So far I like. Nothing too new, but a different look back here in admin, and a few extras I find neat. Like the fact that I average 12.82 hits a day. Fascinating little bit, that, lets me wonder just who those 12.82 people are… Anyway. I’m pushing it, attempting

Version 4.0, eh?