September 2005

So Much For That Idea

I set a timer, to remind me to get off the computer and go the heck to bed. As you can see by the time I’m posting, it didn’t work. Ah well. What a blast. I need to write more insane characters, it is so fun! For the record, I have not only been writing

So Much For That Idea

Blog? What Blog?

I’m not blogging. I don’t have anything to say. It’s just been too long and too rough a day. But. FYI, it’s indecent how easy it is for kids to learn the “forward roll bounce up with a blow” move on the purple belt test. Hope tried and tried to show me how today, and

Blog? What Blog?

The Little Things

When you’re uptight to begin with, it’s the little things that get you. Like still being awake at this time on a work-night, because when I went to shut down, McAfee noticed a virus it hadn’t before, and I’m not waiting till tomorrow night to scan for others. Like the washing machine breaking down for

The Little Things

Stupid Fortune Cookie

Silly me, stupid fortune cookie. It said look for good news on the new moon. That was yesterday. But I didn’t get a letter, and no one called to say Donte was the best book they ever read, they want to buy it and can I write another one really fast? I know it was

Stupid Fortune Cookie

Change of Theme Song?

I’m trying… What have you done today to make you feel proud? You could be so many people If you make that break for freedom What have you done today to make you feel proud? While there’s nothing wrong with the other two, I’m going to try to add this one to my theme songs.

Change of Theme Song?

Exploration is Awesome!

I found some good stuff, I found some good stuff! Napster is having a free-preview weekend. I can listen to nearly any song on the site for free, and it costs less to download if I find one I want. And wow, have I ever! I’m having to write them down so I can budget,

Exploration is Awesome!