November 2005

This Might Work…

“Nearly two years ago, President George W. Bush told NASA to help finish the International Space Station, return to the moon and then prepare for a manned space flight to Mars. “But that vision is crumbling as the U.S. space agency realizes it does not have the money it needs for the job. “NASA Administrator […]

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No, Really?

If I were held for three years with no lawyer, no charges, no trial, and no hope, I’d be doing just about anything to get media attention myself. Quoting from this site: “…Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said earlier this week that the prisoners (at Guantanomo Bay–me) were on hunger strikes to get media attention…”

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There He Goes Again!

Have you seen the bumper sticker/t-shirt/coffee mug that says if you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention? “Vice President Dick Cheney made an unusual personal appeal to Republican senators this week to allow CIA exemptions to a proposed ban on the torture of terror suspects in U.S. custody, according to participants in a closed-door session.

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My Mind is Blank

And so is this damn blog page. Oh wait, there’s something there now. 😉 Yeah, sometimes you just gotta start writing. So what if you throw away that first sentence, that first paragraph, the first fifty pages? You’ll still be keeping more than you would have if you never started. It’s only paper (or–photons? I

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Justice Ought to be Fair

“Justice ought to be fair.” —George W. Bush, speaking at the White House Economic Conference, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2004 But only for certain people.  Did you think Guantanamo Bay was bad?  Or the stupid and horrible things done at Abu Ghraib?  Then imagine what happened here: Secret CIA Prisons That’s right, folks, your president

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We Could Use a Saint…

So my Halloween message didn’t scare you?  How about this? Quoting from Fox News– …a declaration of war marks a situation wherein assassination is not prohibited by domestic law, because war itself necessitates directed violence by whatever means available.  In other words, in times of war, ‘assassination’ is permissible.  In addition to the permissibility of

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