I Knew It!
No, that isn’t all I’ve been doing. *looks shifty* Really.
That should teach me to count on a bureaucracy. I’m supposed to get my tax return today. It’s my money and I desperately need it. But here it is, 1037 and no monies. My paycheck is there, telling me that at least one accepted time for direct deposit has passed, but that’s barely enough to
On Bureaucracy and Anal Sex
Just…deep in the writing of smut. It’s a complicated scene, takes up all my thought processes! XD Actually, it’s just way more fun than blogging. >_> Sorry.
I’m Here, I’m Here!
And so do alligators. And it looks like dinosaurs did too. In modern birds, the lungs’ gas exchange units are not alveoli, but tubes known as “parabronchi,” through which air flows in one direction before exiting the lung. Farmer says this lung design helps birds fly at altitudes that would “render mammals comatose.” From here.
Dude, a BIRD Breathes Better Than You
When I am told about our national heritage or about “civilization,” I am shown that people of my color made it what it is. This. From White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy McIntosh. Don’t get white privilege? You’re not alone. I think whites are carefully taught not to recognize white privilege, as males
I should, but I don’t really know what to say. Stumbling forward on the smut challenge–the beginning is always hard for me, because no matter how I’ve built (not so thoroughly this time *shifty look* ) it’s never enough. I forget things like putting “Earl” and “Reming” together to see if they sound good. (They
You know how you’ll be working along and suddenly run into a wall and after you headdesk for a while, you figure out you need to get away from it for a bit? Or maybe you just decide you’d really rather be cleaning the grout in the bathroom, seriously. Just be careful. Because if you’re