May 2010

So. It’s Here.

Well, almost. Tis the eve of the Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM. Am I ready? Excuse me while I laugh hysterically. Please don’t slap me. No, I’m not ready. I needed a lot more of the last week to devote to getting ready than I was able to claim, and I am not ready. My […]

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Blame Con-Brain

Why yes, I did buy and guzzle a liter-bottle of Diet Coke on the way home from the con, which would mean I started that huge amount of caffeine at OH LOOK FIVE THIRTY IN THE EVENING. Umm…oops? Is it any wonder I’m still awake? I must not, however, let the caffeine have its way

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I am bumming a ride and going to COMICON in Phoenix this weekend, so the blog will be untended. I will be meeting SPORKERS and having FUN and probably NOT SLEEPING MUCH. No, I don’t know when I’ll be back. I am mooching a ride, remember? I am subject to the whims of fate. I

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Goodbye and good luck, class of 2014. You’ve led us quite the year, but we are nutty people who like that sort of thing, apparently. You brought much frustration, but you also brought joy and hope. It has been an honor to help you grow. I pray God keeps you safe. I look forward to

…sniffle Read More »

Contests and Queries and Edits, Oh My!

I’m entering the Dear Lucky Agent contest over at The Guide to Literary Agents Blog. It was one of my goals for my downtime–to get a few, selective, queries and entries out there. I thought it would be easy. So can anyone tell me why my brain absolutely freezes when I’m doing this? It’s utterly

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Must Write Faster

James Scott Bell (Plot and Structure, Editing and Revision, and the Art of War for Writers which I must get my hands on soon) just gave me permission to project-hop. I wonder if it’ll work. I’ve always figured that urge to bounce to the next project was my muses being lazy and tossing out distractions.

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