May 2010

Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM, the Sci-Fi Edition!

My friends are insane. I am insane. This provides no system of checks and balances for mad plots. As you may imagine, this can lead to some difficulties. The latest: The Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM, the Sci-Fi Edition! I’ve mentioned recently that I miss my SF characters. It’s been some time since I’ve even […]

Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM, the Sci-Fi Edition! Read More ยป

Well, Shit. Plan…C?

Last year I bought year-round passes for the some twenty-seven swimming pools scattered about Tucson. Unlike other passes ($50 for a family membership and we went to the zoo twice? Yeah.) we actually got our money’s worth and more out of them. We went swimming nearly every day for two months, and at least twice

Well, Shit. Plan…C?

Vegetation Update

I wrote some fanfic. Worked really hard (at work.) Stressed a lot, yet didn’t let my house fall (completely) apart. Yeah, not too bad for vacation. Though if this week will back the hell off, I’d like to accomplish more. Actually, I should make a list. Hmm… Preliminary. As in, completely and utterly not binding,

Vegetation Update

I Read a Book!

I read a MS, and now I’ve read a book! I like this vacation thing! Book was Don’t Look Down by Jennifer Crusie and Bob Mayer. Much fun, and they can definitely write, so I’m still thinking it’s the romance genre as a whole that doesn’t work for me. It was…well, it was like reading

I Read a Book!