September 2010

So…the Edit

So...the Edit

Yeah, I vanished for a bit. It suddenly hit me that I have very little time zomg before the book must be ready, and a lot of editing I wanted to do. I don’t have much time to post now, but I have to say–I can see the book getting better. A lot better. I […]

So…the Edit Read More »

Whoo, Crazy Parent Day!

Whoo, Crazy Parent Day!

It’s one of those ongoing, oft-repeating holidays. And wow, is it a fun one! “What I want is for the violin to be replaced, or for her to get an A in Orchestra and move on.” Never mind that the violin has been missing three weeks without anyone saying a word. Never mind that you

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There’s more fail in my fandom today. SF, my genre, my dear and marvelous explore-the-world-and-make-it-a-bigger-and-better-place-to-be chosen form of entertainment…sigh. I could say a lot of things, but others have said it better. Shweta_narayan on what assimilation feels like from the inside. Another response here, on this being just another example of SF reflecting the times.

*facepalm* Read More »

Project of the Day!

My room needed rearranging. Like, a lot. I’d bought some cool new stuff at Goodwill with that in mind, and then I cluttered up my room with them but I didn’t incorporate them. Today was the day to deal with that. A “before” picture. The pancakey thing to the right is the paper shade to

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I dunno. Maybe it’s too simple, maybe it’s too…unfocused. But here’s what I worked up tonight. The green line is the bleed line, the red the trim line, and the blue (which I seem not to have had show up, oops) is “text safety.” XD What do you think? Too much? Too little? More squid?

Card! Read More »