April 2011

Get Knight Errant Now!

Get Knight Errant Now!

I’ve decided, somewhat randomly, that it is time to stop selling Knight Errant dirt-cheap. Currently my beloved work is 99 cents on Amazon, Amazon.uk, Amazon.de (de! how awesome is THAT?) and Barnes and Noble, $1 on Goodreads. On Monday the price will go back up. You know what that means, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

Get Knight Errant Now!

Day Twelve: The Speculative Element

Day Twelve: The Speculative Element

Every day this grows to require more time. Also, I’m coming up with stuff I don’t want to share, as it will ruin the story when you read it (as I certainly hope you will.) So I’m going to stop posting this after today. I’ll continue with the world-building eventually, but for right now…it’s time

Day Twelve: The Speculative Element

Day Eleven: Focus In

Today’s exercise is to expand on one area of the culture you’ve created for your world. We have a bare-bones timeline, the bare-bones elements of a language, the bare-bones of an economic and political scene. Drat, running out of time! I somehow got myself some piled-up deadlines… Anyway. Frantic typing ensues. Dwarves live in the

Day Eleven: Focus In

Blame Adam Lambert

Well, don’t blame him. It was my choice to pay attention to him and not this. But he’s totally why I didn’t write a world-building blog post tonight. Well, that and a doctor appt messing up my day’s routine, and being tired, and unexpected company… I could have pulled it out, though, if Adam hadn’t

Blame Adam Lambert

Day Ten: Mood and Culture

Day Ten: Mood and Culture

So! Moving on. PDF here, in case you didn’t get it yet. Exercise (recap): As stated above. Settle on the overall mood for your story if you haven’t already. Look through your timeline, political groups, and language notes and mark for revision anything that doesn’t fit your mood. If you have time, revise those things.

Day Ten: Mood and Culture

Day Nine: Languages

Day Nine: Languages

I’ve already done much of this, but I’ll post it in order to stay on course. Exercise: Listen to how different syllables sound to you. Do they excite you? Do you associate a particular sound with an emotion or place or memory? Write down some generic preferences for your languages– “I want the language spoken

Day Nine: Languages

Day Nine Delayed

I have spent all day in a fog and I cannot brain. Day nine will come tomorrow–or I may stop the borrowed exercises and come up with my own. No promises, though. As I said in a comment on an earlier post, this system requires thinking big first, and that’s not me. My entire process

Day Nine Delayed