doomy summer of editing doom

Day 13: Trudging On

I finished those two connecting scenes today. 2400 words. At last. I’m not happy with them, but I have the basics of what I need. This isn’t a final run through–this is my attempt to get the entire book in place, in close to its final shape. Polishing comes later. I have made a Resolution. […]

Day 13: Trudging On

Day 12: Handwriting Works

Five and a half handwritten pages. My brain was with me. Life is good. Except, you know–supposed to be more than halfway through the second manuscript by now… I will not give up! I will go down in very pretty flames, but I will not give up! Charge! (right after I sleep.) (Also, I had

Day 12: Handwriting Works

Day Ten: Memo

From: KD To: KD’s Brain RE: Doomy Summer of Editing DOOM Okay, Brain, seriously. We have got to kick it into gear. Do you want all these novels still hanging over us when August rolls around? August, and September, when it’s all we can do to crawl to work, and crawl back home? What about

Day Ten: Memo

In Which I Boycott the Internets

Well, for a while anyway. I got over 900 words before I couldn’t take it anymore. And then I got another almost five hundred. Yep, word count for today is 1399. Not too shabby at all. It’s difficult because I wrote this sixteen years ago, and I’ve written a bunch of books in this universe

In Which I Boycott the Internets

Day Six: Fear Sets In

I did not do well today. I don’t know why; I just…spent a lot of time running away from my manuscript. And tomorrow I have to work. That was not in the plan. Argh. Brain, you are on notice. Produce, or I give you to Taya to…do whatever it is she does with collected brains.

Day Six: Fear Sets In

DSED Day…what is it, Five?

This is not going well. And yet, it is. I’ve edited this book…three times now? But I’m finding stuff I never have before. I have a distance I never have before. I’m chopping stuff and changing that and it’s marvelous. On the other hand, I have a week per MS if I’m going to pull

DSED Day…what is it, Five?

Editing DOOM, Day Three

Today was the day I got annoyed and shortened DSoEDOOM to DSED. It was also the day I spent a lot of time looking for one particular scene, found it, edited it, input the edits, went to put it in the main file–and found it was in the manuscript I was planning to use already.

Editing DOOM, Day Three