editing never ends

Oh Hell, I Don’t Know

So my wonderful librarian friend emailed me. She’s read several of my novels and I’ve found her to be pretty much right on target in her suggestions. (and no, her suggestions are not “it’s perfect publish it now!” ) Anyway. Email. She was thinking about my books, and decided that she really thought Taro and […]

Oh Hell, I Don’t Know

Chop Chop Chop

Man, there is some serious garbage in this manuscript. It’s like decluttering–first I started small, deleting the “seems” and “really”s, then I started hacking scenes, then I hacked it in half-sorta…each round I find more I need to get rid of, until I can actually see that huge gilded elephant statue that’s falling apart and

Chop Chop Chop

Inch by Inch

Inch by inch, my friend used to say, everything’s a cinch. Flylady tells me to take babysteps. So I’m stepping by inches! On page 61 of the file tonight. Page 59 of the manuscript. I spent much of my night poking at my bills. If I can find a way to reduce them by a

Inch by Inch

Trudge Trudge

Page forty-six of MS. Page fifty or so in the file–it’s grown a bit already. I can’t wait till it’s done. I really need that vacation I’ve promised myself. Reading and writing fanfic, reading a few books, catching up on my magazine subscriptions…oh man. NEED. And then maybe I can move to my Victorian ghost-hunting

Trudge Trudge

Here Endeth the Slog

I actually finished the slog last night, but I was too exhausted to exult. I’m not in much better shape now. But. The slog is done. The first book of Hiro is edited, sorta. I’ve made the changes on paper. Now I have to make the changes in the file. It will change more as

Here Endeth the Slog

Eleven Days into April

And the struggle goes on. I am halfway through those last fifty pages if you look at the pagecount. Where I am in reality…gah. I am trying to edit the very first Hiro scene I ever wrote, way back before he was Hiro. I’ve found a place to fit it into the manuscript (where it’s

Eleven Days into April

Fifty More Pages

That doesn’t sound like much until I mention that the MS is only (was only) 150 pages long. Yes, folks, after a blasted month, containing fifty solid hours of editing, I am only two thirds through my MS. But the esteemed Colleen Lindsay has declared this No Whining Week, so I shall not whine. I

Fifty More Pages