Want to Write Fast?
Turn off the internet. No, really. You can do it. And you probably won’t actually die. YMMV. One scene down, bunches more to go. Onward!
Want to Write Fast?
Turn off the internet. No, really. You can do it. And you probably won’t actually die. YMMV. One scene down, bunches more to go. Onward!
Want to Write Fast?
I don’t wait well. Possibly I should qualify that. If I’m in a waiting room? I’m fine. I’ve got my book, I’m good, just be loud when you call my name. On hold? I’m all right. You’ve probably got ten, maybe even fifteen minutes before I start getting annoyed. (Less if you have some perky
Impatience Has Its Good Points
I’m 42 years old and I have a problem. Time just…slips away from me. I’ll sit down at my computer meaning to get some writing done, and hours later there are still no words and I don’t really know why. When kids come to school late and tell me they overslept but they don’t know
Sometimes the damned universe just won’t MOVE. You’re doing all you can, you’re shoving with all you got, and it won’t MOVE. I’m a patient person, until I’m not. When I decide on something, I want it done. Let’s GO, let’s MOVE, it’s TIME. The universe does not often work like that. The parts of
Sorry About the Structural Damage
For a long time now, I’ve entertained friends as I cleaned by reading cryptic bits of found notes, then trying to figure out what the hell I meant. Why did I write “flux capacitor” while working on a contemporary romance? Some are mundane. “Like Shari’s, only inside.” Who is Shari, and what is like her
Needed: Less Faith in an Unfaithful Brain
So a while back I talked about the awesome Set Phasers to LOL. I barely mentioned then, and I’ve not mentioned a few times since, a truly annoying thing that keeps popping up. Sometimes it’s veiled. Sometimes it’s not so much. see more Set Phasers To Lol Get over this, okay? Because “girls” go to
Girls Can Be Geeks Too
So, just when PayPal decided not to attack print erotica through Smashwords and many other venues after all, Amazon has decided marginalizing homosexual relations is okay. Amazon, which keeps insisting, #Amazonfail after fail, that it is gay-friendly and good people and really it’s not our fault it just happens. Bullshit. You want to be assholes,