
Queen’s Man #TeaserTuesday

Queen's Man #TeaserTuesday

So since I dropped out of NaNo to edit, I figured I’d just get on back to editing. I really don’t hate it–I love how it improves an already-great story. Anyway. Thought I’d share a bit. My main character, Joss Ravid, just did something pretty dumb and is now dealing with the consequences in his […]

Queen’s Man #TeaserTuesday

Six Sentence Sunday: Meet Joss

Six Sentence Sunday: Meet Joss

His Faithful Squire is out in two weeks, but I’ve teased a lot from that book, so I thought I’d offer someone else. This is from a just-for-fun story I wrote, Fanged Bunny Slippers,ย that I may or may not share elsewhere sometime soon. Joss Ravid has a book of his own, but it doesn’t have

Six Sentence Sunday: Meet Joss

Frakkin’ August

Arrrrrrgggggggghhhhhh… Hot. Muggy. Work. Crazy people. Crazy amounts of work. No money. Fucking PNEUMONIA. (yes, it takes its own sweet time to go the hell away! A friend told me I can expect to have the cough for six to eight weeks. I’ve already had it too damned long!) Still no car. No frakkin’ money

Frakkin’ August

Still Editing, Mostly

I am. And it’s amazing. I’m slowly stumbling forward, despite tons of extra hours at work. Normally by now I’m just hanging on, so I’m more than a bit delighted. However, that leaves me no time for blog posts. ๐Ÿ˜› (seriously–soon. Today was the first day of school. I’ll get better!)

Still Editing, Mostly

Nothing New

Well…there’s some progress. Four more pages edited, and 350 words on another scene I’ve found I need. A whole lot of coughing, sneezing, hacking, wheezing, complaining, miserying… Something tells me I’m not getting done in a week.

Nothing New

Update on Joss and the Cold of DOOM

No, Joss doesn’t have to face the Cold of DOOM. And he’s appropriately grateful. So. Day 8 (I know because I first complained of my cold in my blog on the 19th) (yes, I use my blog to remember things) of Misery. Before that I dimly remember a couple days of sore throat, but we’ll

Update on Joss and the Cold of DOOM Read More ยป

Stupid Germs. Stupid Cold. Stupid stupid.

Yep, I’m sick. Damn it. Since I last checked in, I edited a scene of Joss and wrote most of another, but can’t get my brain to function to finish it. I’ve written a bit more on Fidelis each day, and am now at about 30,000 words. But right now my brain won’t touch it.

Stupid Germs. Stupid Cold. Stupid stupid.