
Save the Cat

Save the Cat

When they tell you that writing a script can help your novel–listen. Like many writers, I am a rabid collector of writing books. Until fate brought Save the Cat into my hands, though, I’d resisted moving beyond novel-writing books. Not because I doubted they would help at all. Because I felt I should focus, since […]

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Cats and Coincidences

Cats and Coincidences

It’s so funny how things happen. People will tell you it’s all coincidence. Or they’ll insist it’s not synchronicity when, say, the number five keeps turning up. The first occurrence put you on the alert for the next ones. It’s just random. The universe doesn’t actually give a damn about you, and Fate is a

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A Busy Day

Or so I hope, anyway. The list is long, the vacation getting shorter by the minute. Something needs to work. So, in order of completion: morning coffee (hey, it’s a requirement) healthy breakfast (Yogurt Cheerios) PubYe rounds TSR rounds Blog (in progress) Watch for progress! Get dressed. No task, however small, is a gimme today.

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Time to Go

All right.  Time for a new plan. I’ve mentioned where I run into trouble before.  Writing along happily when suddenly a plot issue whacks me between the eyes and I’m staggering and stumped both.  I HATE when that happens! After repeated analyses, I have determined this is what happens when I jump into a book

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Snow Day

Not even half an inch of snow, and the whole city freaks out. But that’s okay.  School started three hours late, hardly anyone was there, I was able to work with barely any interruptions… I had a ton more work, yes.  But it’s the interruptions that make the difference.  I got a LOT done today. 

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Method to the Madness

There’s a method to the madness of my writing, I’m noticing.  When I first start, I’m on fire.  I’ve got enough stories to work on that if I’m not enthused (read, “obsessed and chomping at the bit”) I’m not going to work on that piece, I’ll find something else. So there I go.  I’m on

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Write Crap

Finally, the explanation of “go ahead and write crap.”  Okay, I didn’t say it like that, but I AM a writer, and I like to vary my expressions.  From that review, here: One of the absurd rules he strongly suggest that we enforce while writing is “writing three pages a day.” I have read other

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