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All or Nothing is Usually Nothing

When I was in elementary school, we didn’t have school counselors. But someone must have got a grant or something, because there was a lady who came and I made the trek from my classroom–possibly fifth grade? I don’t recall–to the other end of the school to the library to talk to a stranger. I […]

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It’s a FISH!!

Those of you who know me online know I tend to use marine animals as weapons. If you know me offline–well, it’s a long story. Just accept that I tend to use marine animals as weapons. In particular, I use fish-thwacks to threaten encourage my writer friends to accomplish. So you’ll understand my joy that

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That's Supposed to Impress Me?

Just saw a commercial for an SUV–one of the smaller ones–and it made a huge deal of the fact that the vehicle gets thirty miles to the gallon. Umm–did I miss something?  My 1988 Corolla gets 32.  Yeah, they were talking about an SUV, but still!  In eighteen years, they haven’t managed to improve any

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Speak for Yourself

You know.  If you can. Quoting from this site: “I’ll be glad to talk about ranching, but I haven’t seen the movie. I’ve heard about it. I hope you go–you know– I hope you go back to the ranch and the farm is what I’m about to say.” —George W. Bush, after being asked whether

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The People's Choice

Quoting from this site: Republicans John McCain and Tom Coburn say they’re putting their colleagues on notice: They will challenge special projects that senators insert into spending bills until the practice stops. McCain, of Arizona, and Coburn, of Oklahoma, say recent congressional scandals stem from lobbyists’ ability to persuade lawmakers to designate favored projects in

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Hey, it’s his birthday–let’s haul out the old skeletons, see if we can get some attention. Bastards.  Guess what, folks.  I don’t give a damn if Doctor Martin Luther King Junior had an affair.  I still say he was right about civil rights, and I honor his memory.  And I won’t buy your book just

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