Life Comes at You Fast

I don’t even want to make a list, I have so much I need to catch up on. Ever make a to-do list and get so overwhelmed looking at it that you don’t do a damn thing but hide in the internet and/or a movie or something? Yeah. I don’t need any of that, thanks. That also never helps.

Life Comes at You Fast

Stumbling On, Update #??

Things are just a little overwhelming right now. I’m sorry I’m not around, I plan to be around, I justโ€ฆhave so many things that are a little more urgent at the moment. Also the WORLD is on FIRE and while some of it should definitely burn (racism) some of it MUST NOT (trans rights) so

Stumbling On, Update #??

Saturday Morning Post

Waking up sneezy and a teeny bit congested is even less fun than it used to be. Is this allergies or is this something else? challenge 2020. However! Today in gardening news: One of my zucchini plants has a flower! I’m so excited. Roomie has been taking over the house with her sourdough starter, but

Saturday Morning Post

This Week in KD News

The book-writing goes on. I went back and did scene cards (Scene: Goal, Conflict, Disaster. Sequel: Reaction, Dilemma, Decision) and realized in the doing what I already knew–the beginning was really floppy, because as I wrote it I had no idea where I was going. I have a little better idea now, and I need that foundation, so I wrote some scenes for the beginning.

This Week in KD News

Stuff Has Moved

Hello! Welcome! Thanks for dropping by and please excuse the mess! Have a cookie?* I am very sorry for the disorganization. WordPress changed things on me, and I’m still trying to figure out what to do about it. That means I’m mid-rearranging, so things will be changing with no notice, but the links below should

Stuff Has Moved

Freakin’ Allergies, and also Babble About (Re)Writing to the End

Sometimes I write so fast that I outpace my plotting brain. I’ve learned to recognize it when I hit a point where I don’t know what happens next. Or rather, I do, but I don’t know how to write it.

Freakin’ Allergies, and also Babble About (Re)Writing to the End Read More ยป

Attempted Gardening

My zucchini is doing well! It was the first thing I planted, because those are the first seeds I received, by more than a week (thanks, UPS, and no, I am not fooled that it was actually USPS who lost them. I was watching the tracking.) Anyway. So yeah. I planted four seeds, in case

Attempted Gardening