And it continues…

Guess what. According to every site I’ve checked, the original run of the anime I bought was twenty-five episodes. That’s 25. A two, and then a five. Got it? Guess how many episodes are on my three-DVD collection? If you guessed 24, your cookie is in the mail. That does it. I’m boycotting reality until […]

And it continues…

Edit what?

Bwahahaha! (that’s an evil laugh, ‘case you didn’t get it.) I am good. (singing) I found a way, I found a way… Anime should be watched in Japanese. But subtitles are, well, helpful. Fortunately for my editing intentions, there’s a very interesting fact about many, many, Japanese cartoon series. And that is, that most of

Edit what?

There are no words

I do not have volumes 6 and 7. I jumped to conclusions. I have volume 7, and a DVD I ordered two weeks after I ordered the books. Except it’s not the right DVD, it is a dubbed anime, WITHOUT the Japanese track, and without subtitles. I ask you, who even makes DVDs in only

There are no words

Oh sure, now they show up!

Desperately, frantically determined to get this book edited and ready for submission by Tuesday. That’s what I said, right? Three day weekend, not even 60,000 words, and it’s already pretty damn good, so that’s the goal. So guess what FINALLY shows up in my mailbox today? Yep. Issues 6 and 7 (7 being the big

Oh sure, now they show up!

Quick! Edit!

Donte is the closest I have to ready. He’s book two, and BJ says he’s my best book. So I’m editing as fast as I can. I’ve had it. I need to submit something. This is my year, and it’s almost half over. I know this is my year, because I’ve completed three books in

Quick! Edit!

not my first choice

Filing is not my first choice of how to spend the day, no. I have paper cuts on every finger, my back and my arms hurt, I banged my knee on a drawer, and my head hurts. And I test tonight. Sigh. Good news is, even my boss lady has been affected by the “it’s

not my first choice

Gotta love bored, brilliant people

Check out this site I stumbled on. If you’re like me, most of it will be over your head, but you’ll get the important part–a very, very intelligent man put a ton of info online for sci fi authors, and just said, “come and get it.” Thank you, I will.Guess what, folks. Mapping out my

Gotta love bored, brilliant people