Sensible is so Dull…

C.J. Cherryh’s word count goes up, in her blog. My page count goes down. But for both of us, it’s progress. I’m told next time I won’t write so flabby, if only because I don’t want to have to trim again. I hope that’s true! So. The official page count as of this evening is […]

Sensible is so Dull…

Real, Schmeal! Time to Get to WORK!!

Yes, I’m aware it’s Mother’s Day. I’m aware I’m a mom. I’m aware the common wisdom holds that I should not have to work today. To hell with that, I say! I should be able to work on what I WANT to do! That said, brunch was lovely. If I can figure out how my

Real, Schmeal! Time to Get to WORK!!

Reality, Day One

And here it is, the evening of day one of my resolve to get real. So I’ll tell you what I’ve really been doing all day, when I could have been writing, editing, or cleaning my house. You guessed it, I spent way too much time reading C.J. Cherryh’s Progress Report. I did mention I

Reality, Day One

Time to Get Real

I’ve been reading the blog of C.J. Cherryh, an awesome writer I very much admire, though many of her books get too depressing for me. And I realized something I should have noticed a long time ago–no one, even good old can’t-help-but-be-upbeat me, wants to read about only the good times. So enough blather

Time to Get Real

Web Rookie Stuff

It’s been a long time since I commented on the web rookie stuff, but I’ve just made a wonderful discovery I wanted to share. Now probably everyone will be laughing at me and wondering where I’ve been, but in case there’s someone out there who doesn’t know–Yahoo has a group called Freecycle, and there’s an

Web Rookie Stuff

Editing is Not Fun

It’s true, editing is not fun. Except when I forget I’m editing, and get lost in my story. It’s a damn good story, actually. But then I’m not really editing, am I? Whatever I’m doing, my story has gone from 914 ms pages to 700. It’s a good thing. I’ve set a goal (yet again)

Editing is Not Fun

Where the Words Take Me

I don’t know who this is, or where she fits. But I couldn’t write anything else, so I came here to write a throwaway. But I like her. So I guess I’ll keep her. Cara huddled in a ball and made it all go away. She knew better than the other children, she didn’t imagine

Where the Words Take Me