Six Sentence Sunday: The Fight

Six Sentence Sunday: The Fight

This is from that fight in His Faithful Squire that I’ve been complaining about for days. It’s…probably the least swear-filled six sentences of it.

“I want to lie in bed eating tiramisu all day too!” I snapped. “Doesn’t mean it’s a good idea!”


“And don’t you run out for tiramisu or I just might break my hands trying to kill you!”

“I don’t even know what the fuck tiramisu is!”


One more thing I need to fix–should be quick–and then I’ll send it off to betas and not think about it for a month. Whee!

2 thoughts on “Six Sentence Sunday: The Fight”

  1. *snickers madly* Ohhh, I can’t wait to read this! Ian’s beta first, though. *tells herself that again, quite firmly*

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