Chicken With Its Head Cut Off

Have you ever seen one?  Well, it’s a pretty freaky sight.  Yes, they do actually run around a bit without their heads.

Sorta like me today.  I fly out tomorrow morning.  I’m not ready.  Why the hell am I blogging then?

Because I gotta do something or I’m gonna start screaming.  Hope is still not ready.  I have tried to walk her through each step of what she needs, but she keeps getting distracted and I don’t know how much more I can take.  I’m extremely short on sleep, having had trouble getting to sleep last night and then waking up way before the alarm today.

And I’m terrified I’m going to forget something important.  This does not lend itself well to sweetly leading Hope by the hand.  As if I had time to do that anyway.

I thought I had this under control.

Okay.  No more blogs till I return, unless I get an unforeseen opportunity.  Talk to you all Monday.  I hope.

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