
I have 1,452 words so far today.  Because I’m using a system.  (ooh!)  I’m setting a timer and writing as fast as I can for half an hour.  No getting up, no internet or email, just me and the word processor.  (and the music.  Gotta have the music.)

It’s working.  I’m writing 500 +/- in every sprint!  Whee!!

And I have time for errands.  The last sprint came between a trip to the library, where we miraculously got our hands on the ENTIRE COLLECTORS EDITION leatherbound Calvin and Hobbes, and WalMart, where I really should have stayed out of the home decorating section.  (purple candles.  Sweating 2)

Later–I wrote 2,072 words today.  Wheeeheeheehaaw!  But tomorrow I will try harder to look around.  I accomplished a lot today, but my priorities were less than stellar.  Bly had to clean up the kitchen before she could cook dinner.  Oops.

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