So tonight my plan was to make overnight oatmeal for the week because I hadn’t yet, and make some mason jar salads. Along the way I wanted to clean out the refrigerator, since things had got a little backed up with all my unused salad fixings crammed in there.
Okay, so…I figured I’d start with the oatmeal, since that was the most important thing. If I can start my day right, it has a chance of staying on that course, right? Right.
Five half-pint mason jars (four, and a pint, becaause I couldn’t find a fifth, shhh…) Half a cup of my (super yummy!) homemade yogurt in each. Now, gather everything else, because once the chia seeds go in, they will clump if I don’t stir soon–
A couple minutes later I realize that in going in the fridge for the pomegranate juice, I got distracted by the ratatouille I made because the child asked for it but she “didn’t know it was all vegetables.” I had tried to eat it all myself, but there was a LOT, okay? It was definitely time for that to go. And oh, the rotisserie chicken should be eaten soon, what if dump in some onion and some barbecue sauce and let that get nice and–oh, hey, I was doing something.
My brain has been like that lately. At least I wasn’t cooking! I’ve done that lately too–just wander off with a pan on the stove…don’t really like that. At all.
But eventually I made my oatmeal. And cleaned up the mess from making the oatmeal.
Blueberry Pomegranate Overnight Oatmeal
1 c plain yogurt
1/4 c rolled oats
2 tsp brown sugar
1/2 TB chia seeds
1/4 c blueberries (I use frozen)
2 TB or so pomegranate juiceStir so your chia seeds get wet and don’t form a solid clump, and stick in the fridge overnight. I make them five at a time, so they definitely last five days in the fridge.
Finally done, I turned to the salads. Well, to clearing out the fridge, to figure out what I had for the salads. I went ahead and finished dealing with the ratatouille. And it turns out I had like, six red bell peppers in the crisper drawer. At least four cucumbers. And four heads of lettuce, wandering loose in the fridge. Three of those, somehow, were frozen solid. (We’re not going to talk about the condition of the fourth.)
Anyway. I promised myself once I did that stuff, I would write a blog post tonight, so I have now done so. I can only hope that I’ll get back in the habit of doing it, and my posts will make more sense as I go.
Please enjoy this image of toe beans, and have a great day and/or night. Be kind to yourself and others, friends.