A Star To Steer By

I love this poem.

I must down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking.
–from Sea-Fever, by John Masefield

I used A Star To Steer By as the title of my first novel until I realized it just didn’t fit. So now I’m happy to have used it as the title of my latest fanfic.

Yes, I know. Another one. Hey, it was either write it, or spend the day doing housework and ignoring the fact that I have a toothache. I am still, unfortunately, too out of it and stressed out, etc, to work on my “serious” stuff. Though I am trying. I’ve re-written a few paragraphs of the pages I lost when my computer crashed. Each day I at least open it up.


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