I freely admit it. Mornings are not my best time of day. Never have been. There was a time if you wanted to see me in the a.m., you had better stay up past midnight. Or get up at five, and come visit before my bedtime of…dawn.
That’s the only way to view sunrise, btw. From the other end.
Unfortunately, my kid and my animals think mornings are something to celebrate. Oh, the joy on their little faces when they see me stagger from my room, trip over one or all of them, and somehow find my way to the bathroom…Â
This morning, for instance. I never close the bathroom door completely (if you ever visit, you’ve been warned) because I’ll be made to regret it. Whining, whimpering, thumping, complaining, the desperate paw that begs “For the love of God, let me in, they’re all insane out here!”  So I don’t bother.
My first image of the day this morning (takes a while to get those eyes open) was of my bathroom rug.  A dog between my feet and cats on either end. All facing away, on guard apparently.
Other times they might patrol one at a time. The dog comes in, sniffs around, sits on my feet until I chase him out. Ravenclaw comes in, and heads straight for the shower curtain. He thinks I’m cheating on him with another cat, apparently. When he’s satisfied there are no felines behind the rustly curtain, he’ll leave. Then Menace will come in. He is convinced something dangerous lurks behind that dangerous curtain, he always pounces his way back there to confront it.
If I’m really unlucky, Hope will be up to take her turn at inspecting the bathroom before I can vacate it.
When I come out, it’s a slow-motion race to the kitchen. They are all (including the child) convinced I will forget where it is, or worse, decide I simply don’t care to feed them, if they don’t lead the way. They also have to stay really close to my feet, or I’ll get distracted and go somewhere else.
I feel so bad for them, cared for by such an idiot as I apparently am.
Maybe I should go back to bed until I can figure out how to get to the bathroom and kitchen all by myself.Â
19,185 words on NaNovel, btw. So far, so good.Â