Is it a good thing I’m getting to hate Mondays more than Tuesdays? Tuesdays have long been a bad day for me, but Mondays…
Maybe it’s just the return after the long weekend. I think I’d rather remain the oddball who hates Tuesdays. Me and Arthur Dent, who never could get the hang of Tuesdays.
563 words. I’m 511 words behind, and I only see that gap growing. I’m in the soggy middle, except it’s not soggy, it’s wanting to be over. I’ve already killed off nearly everyone who is dying (I’m undecided on one or two characters) and I’ve still got nearly 30,000 words to go.
Fix it later. I’ll fix it later. If I run out of book, God knows I’ve got enough other stuff I can happily work on. Or I’ll take one of those insane side-trips other NaNoers indulge in when they need to pad the wordcount. NaNo is not about creating publishable work, it is about getting your hands out from under your butt and WRITING. Maybe I, too, can throw in a dream about ninja llamas and the pineapple of DOOM. Or–oh, now here’s an idea–a gratuitous sex scene or three. If it’s unnecessary, it’s easily removable, right? *grin*
Yes, I can write thirty thousand words of gratuitous sex scenes. Do you doubt me?Â