Bishie Bishie Bishie!!

Whee! That was fun!  Bishie, bishie everywhere!

Bishie, in case I’ve never explained it, is short for bishounen.  Beautiful young man.  Anime bishies and real-life babies turn my brain to goo.  Which is definitely better than the other way around.

Advent Children What a blast! It’s–okay, if you’ve never heard of it, you’ll laugh.  It’s a movie continuation of the video game Final Fantasy VII.  (I think.  My anime expert is sleeping in, I can’t ask now and I didn’t ask then with all the bishie goodness in front of me.)  And it’s extremely entertaining, even if you don’t factor in the pretties.

How do you make chasing down a guy on a motorcycle different from every other chase you’ve ever seen?

Give ’em some lovely big swords to play with.  *grin*

Seriously.  What’s not to love, here?  Bishies.  Bishies with swords.  Bishies with swords and leather and awesome bikes and then there’s a vampire (ooh, pretty…) and kick-ass ladies and even a kid who needs rescuing but IS NOT a wimpy-whiny…

Fun.  Just plain old fun.  Check it out.  But if you actually care to understand it, ask someone to explain the story-line of the game first.

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