My child and I are trying to walk more. We’re on Day Two of walking after I get home from work. Today we took the dog! He was very excited. And very not ready to come home, when we turned around, but we are working on child’s stamina, and I don’t want to push things until she decides she’s not having fun, or not up to the walk.
Doggo will be happy when we take him out again tomorrow.
I’m really glad to be walking with child; it gives us time to talk without pressure. We need that–we spend a lot of time locking horns. I’m working on not getting into the same old arguments with her, but changing habits takes time. And I’m sure it’s helping her mental health, to actually get out of the house. She has a lot of anxiety around that, but she can’t get much safer than just walking down the street with her mom and her dog to protect her. We haven’t seen anyone else walking, and only a few cars as we go. Lots of dogs, though. LOTS of dogs. I want to pet them all. Doggo wants to fight them all. Neither of us will get what we want.
We’re planning to go back to Sabino Canyon this week. I’m hopeful child will be confident enough walking that we’ll be able to get away from the tram (and the people) this time.
I didn’t take any pics on the walk tonight. The sunset was pretty, but I didn’t feel like trying to take a good picture of it. Please instead accept this picture of another day in my front yard. At dawn, I think? About two minutes before it started pouring rain.