See this? Right here?

Anyway. It’s fine. It’s all good. We’ll get there.
Have a couple young elephants playing in a pool.

Easing back into this blogging thing and then off to the next thing on my list, going to bed early on time soon.
It rained this weekend, squelching nascent plans for a ramble. Child and I are not hardened wilderness warriors–we wimped when it started pouring. So we went for a long drive instead. Please enjoy this view of fog falling over the Tucson Mountains, an exceedingly rare sight.

We pulled over once on the way away, and the rain drove us back into the car. It was cold! And we are not used to it. On the way back, however, the rain had slacked off, so we stopped at a random place and looked around. We have a tentative plan to go back one day soon…

Really would have liked to have cropped better and put more time into this post overall, but it is already past my bedtime. Also, the perfect is the enemy of the good (and the done.)
Hope the first half of January was good for you. Here we go into the second!
You inspired me to at least go for a drive on yucky days.
It does help!