Look, it was a miscommunication, okay? The email from Value Veggies said they had eggplant for the early birds, “just ask!” So when I arrived, I asked if they still had eggplant. The lady said, “yes! How many?”
“Two, please!” And that’s how I accidentally got two big boxes of vegetables (and two eggplant!)

On bringing them into the house, I may have gotten a little overwhelmed.
So. Much. Veg. What was I going to do with it all? We didn’t even make it through the last (single) box I bought before we had to throw out the last starting-to-mold bits!
All right. All right. Don’t panic.
My friend Marquessa used to get baskets of goodies from a local CSA, and I remember once she mentioned she’d received–a whole lot of something, I forget–and didn’t know what she was going to do with it. She’s a lot more confident in the kitchen than I am, so just her mentioning it daunted me! But now I see the challenge, too, and it’s fun. Will I do something with All. This. Veg. before I have to throw any away? Well, there’s pretty much no chance of that, considering this stuff is already past its prime. That’s why they do Value Veggies–to get food that would otherwise be tossed, into people’s kitchens instead.
But I figured I had to try. First I sorted.

I already had a great big butternut squash, and they gave me two more. So I roasted them, meaning to come up with a plan while they were in the oven.
Then off to Pinterest I skittered, and found soooo maaaannyy recipes…that was overwhelming just on its own! My son and I looked up recipes for summer squash. My roommate pondered out loud the possibilities of making some zucchini bread.
I told them both–the eggplant are mine. They don’t care, but now I’m committed. I cannot let them rot on my counter.
Not that I’ve ever done that before.
I am making headway. Curried butternut squash soup, done and mostly devoured. Squash casserole–well, it’s a little weird, but it’s tasty. I had squash with breakfast today, too, instead of making savory oatmeal. My son is working on the cucumbers.
It’ll be fine. It’s all going to be fine.
I’m doing this with the eggplant. The last time I made that, I ate that and nothing else until it was gone. Then I’m making zoodles.
Cucumbers can be cut and turned into pickles. Easy to do. Soups for a lot of these veggies. Meat soups, veggie soups, etc. and freeze. Also add to casseroles and can freeze (Tuna, hamberger, veggie, ) So you have frozen dinner for days you don’t want to cook. Use the throw awayable aluminum pans. And as a last resort, there is always the teachers lounge for give away.Hugs!
Pickles! You’re brilliant. I’m going to do that tomorrow!