Aaaaaand then I didn’t blog for weeks, whoops.
Friends, I have discovered a thing. Are you like me, where you go find a recipe and it looks so tasty and yummy, and the recipe writer is like “It’s so easy!” and then you read a step like “beat all the chicken to the same thickness” or “just chop that winter squash in half” and you’re out of there?
Well. The other night I went looking through the internet because it occurred to me–every time I see anyone cut spaghetti squash, it’s the long way. And that has to be the hard way, right? Because you’re dealing with the stem, or trying to avoid the stem while getting two even-ish pieces. (Don’t get me started on the fact I never ever do…)
I have so much trouble cutting that blasted squash. Even if I microwave it five minutes first, to soften it! So I went looking to see if maybe I could just cut the blasted thing through the middle. I don’t care about pretty, you see. I just want FOOD.
Y’all. Y’all. You can just poke some holes in the rind and roast it whole.
Look! See?

I roasted it whole for 40-45 minutes. I took it out and pushed on it with an oven-mitted hand, and it squished. Then I cut it open.
Look at it!

Yes, the seeds and stringy bits are still in the middle–but I took them out with a spoon and it was actually easy! Like the recipe writers say it is before roasting, but It Is Not.
If you’re going to cut it before roasting, use a melon-baller for the seed removal. Another thing the recipe-writers don’t tell you!
Anyway. Sharing that valuable information. Follow me for more tips! Like how to toss hot dogs into vegetables for protein.

Okay, I’m not going to write a whole separate post for that. Get a large skillet–grab one bigger than you think you need. Chop up and saute one onion, one green bell pepper, one red bell pepper, and one zucchini. Shake on a lot of your favorite spice mix, and keep cooking it probably longer than you normally would, if you’re like me at least and get impatient. Add a hot dog or two. Drizzle with some really good barbecue sauce. And viola! Cello, even! Food!