I forgot to even say what I do with the spaghetti squash, and it is honest to Betsy SO EASY– just scrape it into a bowl, dump in a TB or two of pesto and same of parmesan, and maybe if you really want, some chicken nuggets you made in the air fryer.
It is SO GOOD. and it’s healthy!
Or, if you’re not feeling the pesto, chicken nuggets and Ye Olde Barbecue Sauce work great here too.
Sometimes I’m writing these posts and thinking how embarrassing, I must come off as so lazy…but I’m not someone who is at home in the kitchen, at least not anymore. I know there was a time when I cooked and washed dishes without a dishwasher and things were generally pretty clean and I knew what to do with food in my kitchen, but I don’t remember how that worked. Now–I don’t even want to think about life if the dishwasher broke. We’d probably have to make a fast transition to disposable or things would get really bad.
I just don’t have any more energy, is all. Or willpower. Or something.
Been thinking lately maybe there’s just flat out something wrong. More than just being older…? I used to work a much more stressful and busy job, take care of my kid, cook dinner, keep house, and still write nearly every night. Now? I couldn’t tell you when I last wrote actual words. And as far as the house goes…
Let’s not go there. It’s been worse, I know that. It’s not really that bad, even. It’s just…every time we make a little progress somewhere, I see where else it needs so much, and I really gotta get someone to come fix some things, but now there are medical bills and…
Yeah. The whining will now cease. I will continue to ponder spending $150 to go talk to my doctor. (okay, that was another whine.)
Anyway! Recently I went to Agua Caliente Park for my first visit. I took some lovely pictures, including one that may be the best picture I’ve taken in years and that even counts the ones in Australia and New Zealand. (Which I will share some of, one day soon!)