School starts tomorrow. My kids are coming back! Along with a bunch of new faces. That’s going to be interesting–we don’t normally have a lot of turnover in the student body, but we had a number of graduates last May, and also we didn’t replace students as we lost them to moves and such over most of last school year.
Due to Reasons I Will Not Be Discussing.
Anyway! New school year. Lots of new faces. Since last month marked my ninth anniversary, this will be my tenth year with my school. I’m on principal number counts on fingers six. (The problem with principals is they are go-getters. Always wanting to go get something more, something better. It’s great when they’re going after making your school better–but then they want a bigger school or something.)
So yeah. I’m mostly just posting to post something, and to be proud that I managed to post at all in August. Goal is to be back more–and if I can do it in August, then that goal is finally looking doable.
Next post maybe I’ll talk more about why I have any energy left tonight.
Hope y’all are doing well. Please enjoy this fluffy belly, but do be aware–it’s a trap.
