
(I’d replace the link, but I don’t remember what it went to.)


Didn’t know I could do that.  Gotta love experimentation.  Oh, found that at urrmmm oh, yeah.  Here it is. http://www.grsites.com I love that there’s free stuff everywhere on the web, if you know to look.

Oh, blog?  Um, okay.  Long, awful day, every time I started anything somebody came in with something that required me to drop everything, and no one can understand that the two minutes it takes to actually do what they need, is NOT the only time I’m spending away from my own work.  The computer is glitching again, so the most intense deadline, the one involving federal law, is the one I can’t work on.  And every time I tried to take a break, somebody came desperately needing me, only they only thought they did.  (an administrator came hunting me at one point, for a “parent needing help.”  What she needed was to lay the damn paperwork on my desk and come back tomorrow.  Which is what I’d told her.  Without the swearing.  Sigh.)

So I’m calling down the lightning.  Yeah, that’ll explain the picture.  Cool.

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