One thing that slows my blogging is that when it’s been a while, I sit here and think I should apologize for not blogging. And then I sit here and try to think of a new and interesting way to do it. But you know what? It is what it is. I’m trying to find the energy and motivation to resume daily blogging and a lot of other things too. I’ll keep trying. It’s all anyone can do (sorry, Yoda.)
Another thing slowing me down is my doctor wants me wearing wrist braces constantly for two weeks. He said they wouldn’t keep me from doing things.
He’s never worn a wrist brace, clearly.
Anyway. Remember way back when, I was super proud of myself for purchasing and putting up some cool bamboo fencing stuff to replace the ugly falling apart blue tarps? I think I actually bribed the kids to do it, and they did a sad job of it. (A bit of research shows I started, they finished, and did indeed do a sad job of it.)
Anyway, I remember it was falling down and I went out and fixed it, and then I was pretty proud of myself. (Turns out I did that twice!)
The thing is, that stuff falls apart. I mean, anything will eventually, but that stuff makes a heck of a mess as it disintegrates. Pieces lying on the ground, chunks breaking off when you try to put it back up…eventually I gave up on it. And it mostly just lay there some on the fence still but lots on the ground.
Unfortunately, it’s concrete out there, and the stupid broken grass couldn’t just mulch into the ground. Also, lots of rusty wire.
Rusty wire BAD.
So this weekend my son and I took what was still standing of the grass, and what could be gathered of the stuff on the concrete, and stuffed it in the wheelbarrow.

Then we hung up a privacy screen I found for about $40. Which, if I remember correctly, is about what I paid for each of the bamboo rolls.

It’s not as privacy-making as I expected. I’ll probably buy another. But it’ll STILL be cheaper and less annoying than dealing with rolls of bamboo.
Anyway. An improvement. That’s the goal. Bit by bit, to improve things around here.
I’ve been watching this guy, learning how to do things. I like him. Some people explain too much, and others not enough, but I find him to be a good fit.
We’ll see how brave I get under his guidance. I need at least one new light fixture, and two bathroom fans. I’m considering taking out a fence, and if I do, I’ll consider replacing it.
The plan is to go slow. Not undertake a bunch of things at a time.
Not that I’ve ever done that.
Anyway, plans. I’m planning to plan. I have two new trees that I hope to keep alive to enjoy. This weekend I’ll put together my bee waterer while I ponder how to get a gutter on the back of my ramada.

So all that water will go on my trees and not the weeds in the easement I’ll then have to cut. The plan is to harvest the rain.
I will, hopefully, keep making progress. I will, hopefully, blog on.