Before I decided to actually write a blog post, I had thoughts. But now my brain is gone, so. I’m going to post some cat pictures, and just talk about what I’ve been up to. And maybe some other pictures!
Like, look at my fridge! I never remember to take before pictures, but let me tell you–that’s a HUGE change.

I’ve been doing…better? Yes, better. I haven’t been writing (sigh) but I have been…well, from wandering the internet incessantly, I slid into watching decluttering videos. I’ve been spending a lot of time lately with Carla (thecarlaproject) and sometimes I find myself getting up and decluttering. It’s kind of amazing, but I’m trying not to think about it too much so I don’t stop.
My family might say I don’t have clutter, since my room is the only one in the house that’s consistently neat, but I do. I have things I don’t really care about anymore, but haven’t gotten rid of. I have things that I kind of like, but they stop me from doing stuff–like cleaning. I like clean, but I also like easy. If I have to move seventeen things to dust a shelf then put all seventeen back, hey, guess what?
I seem to finally be accepting the truth that I can’t have everything I love stuffed into my room. Not only will there be no room for me, it will all be a jumbled mess and I’ll hate it.
So. Things leaving. Curated things staying. And each time things go out the door, once they are gone I see something else that maybe could go. That’s how decluttering works. Flylady says it’s like an onion, and you have to get rid of one layer before you can see the next. Carla says–oh, I can’t remember what Carla says, but it’s similar.
I like Carla partly because she has lots of videos. She does “declutter with friends” where she helps friends get through their overflowing closets and stuff. She has several videos of helping her sister, who had been collecting things and stuffing them into her house for twenty-five years. And she has lots of videos of just her, living life. You can hang out as she runs errands. Watch her declutter her own space and absorb the process into your brain. Just hang out and clean with her. Watch her snuggle her (adorable) doggo. She’s just a lovely human to hang out with.
SimplyLibby doesn’t have as many videos, but I enjoy her. I have this irrational annoyance at housewives with all the time in the world in houses three times the size of mine (and all white! WHY is everything WHITE?) telling me how to make my life better, but Libby–Libby shops at WalMart. Libby has cash flow problems and other issues like me.
Anyway, it’s late and I have been meaning to finish this and post it for days. So here it is.
oh, right. Cat pictures. I promised cat pictures.